
Showing posts from December, 2020

Neuropathy- Can homeopathy helps to treat it effectively?

Neuropathy, as a pathological inflammation of the nerves, manifests itself in neurological disorders such as tingling in arms and legs up to severe burning or numbness. Since neuropathy often begins inconspicuously and progresses slowly, conventional medical approaches are in many cases unsuccessful. Over 200 different causes of the disease are known. The most common are diabetes, alcohol abuse, medication, and chemotherapy, others are infections, poisoning, drugs, or vitamin deficiencies. The cause remains unclear in around 20% of cases. Especially when the cause cannot be clarified, one must focus exclusively on treating the Symptoms become focused. Alternative healing methods are a valuable addition. Holistic therapeutic approach For the treatment of the symptoms, holistic therapy is often suggested that includes both conventional medicine and alternative healing methods. In the case of alternative healing methods, the following are usually mentioned: ·   Naturopathic procedur

Different Methods of Treating Neuropathy- One should be aware of!

For many weeks you have been tormented by unpleasant tingling in your hands and especially in your feet. Besides, there is numbness and often painful sensations. All of these symptoms can indicate a possible nerve disease or polyneuropathy. In this article, you can find out different methods of treating neuropathy. Medical therapy The first step is to treat the symptoms of neuropathy is with medication. The usual medications such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, or acetylsalicylic acid are only inadequate for nerve pain. If the pain is worse, the doctor will prescribe drugs that he also uses for depression or epilepsy. Patience is required with these agents because these products only work after about three weeks. Natural remedies, vitamins, homeopathy Besides or as an alternative, the following active ingredients, which are available without a prescription, are considered medically sensible. Some patients successfully use the dietary supplement alpha-lipoic acid. This is a natural substanc

Does vitamin B12 help with nerve pain?

Nerve pain, also known as neuropathy in technical terms, can have many causes. One of them can be a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods and, in addition to cell division and the production of red blood cells, is mainly needed by the body for a well-functioning nervous system. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can cause nerve pain and uncomfortable symptoms such as tingling legs, numb arms, or unsteadiness when walking. A blood count provides certainty as to whether the nerve pain is caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. Nerve pain due to vitamin B12 deficiency? Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, performs important functions in the body. It ensures adequate production of red blood cells and smooth cell division. It is also of elementary importance for the nervous system, as it is essential for the regeneration of the nerve tracts. Each nerve fiber is surrounded by a sheath called a myelin sheath. Vitamin B12 plays a key role in its development. If there is

Means for nerve pain: which ones help?

Nerve pain is less common than normal pain and is triggered by other factors. Neuropathy occurs when the nerve fibers themselves have been damaged. In this case, the transmission to the brain often takes place without an understandable reason and sometimes without ceasing. Since conventional painkillers hardly provide any relief for this type of complaint, special remedies are used to combat nerve pain. As a rule, there are some natural remedies for neuropathy that have proven effective in many cases. The same applies to common pain relievers such as diclofenac, ibuprofen, or paracetamol. On the other hand, opioids and drugs that are otherwise used for epilepsy and depression, but also have a pain-relieving effect in appropriate doses, are promising. A combination of different medications is common for nerve pain makes sense, as these attack different places where pain occurs, for example, special receptors. There is no general pain therapy or an effective nerve pain home remedy

What can be done enhance your neuropathy pain relief treatment

Neuropathic pain is unbearable sharp and burning pain and neuropathy pain relief treatment is what helps you reduce pain. In the case of peripheral neuropathy, numbness and pain occur in the feet. Slowly, the disease can spread towards the legs and reach the hands. Firstly, you may experience weakness in the legs. What one can do for Neuropathy-Pain? Firstly, the most vital factor you need to consider to treat your neuropathy-pain is to focus on your diet. Yes, nutrition forms the keystone of any treatment for the neuropathic condition. An appropriate and balanced diet with a sufficient amount of fruits & vegetables, supplements for vitamins and minerals including omega 3 free fatty acids strengthen nerves to repair and sustain. You can get blood tests done to find out the nutritional deficiencies. A lot of people say that they could see improvement in neuropathy pain conditions through home massagers, foot baths, sheering exercises, magnets, and topical. In all cases, the treat