What helps against nerve pain? Home remedies and tips!

Nerve pain is one of the most uncomfortable pains ever. We'll show you what can help and when you need to see a doctor.

These home remedies are recommended

Home remedies mainly affect chronic nerve pain. Since much nerve pain is caused by the inflammation of the nerves, you can influence this with your diet. Avoid foods that cause inflammation, such as refined sugars or fast foods. Caffeine and alcohol are also included.

Instead, fresh fruit, and vegetables as well as green tea, olive oil, and all-rounder ginger are helpful.

Both heat and cold help with nerve pain. You have to try what is good for you personally. You can easily achieve cold applications with cooling compresses, while heat applications can be warm baths or heating pads. If there is discomfort with temperatures due to the nerve damage, you should be careful: Frostbite or burns can quickly occur.

Many sufferers benefit from alternating baths in warm and cold water.

Nerve pain - from pins and needles to pain attacks

Nerve pain manifests itself in a variety of ways. Besides, numerous causes can be responsible. Not all nerve pain is the same. The pain may manifest as a tingling sensation or a feeling of ants running over your skin.

Sharp pain such as an electric shock or feeling electrified, furry, burning, or numbness are also forms of nerve pain.

The pain is usually based on an illness. In shingles, nerve pain is often excruciating, and diabetes often leads to tingling or numbness due to reduced blood flow.

Injuries, surgeries, and infections can also damage nerves. Some drugs have nerve pain as a side effect. In this case, you should not treat with home remedies, but seek medical advice beforehand.

Anyone who has ever had a herniated disc or lumbago knows this type of nerve pain. A visit to the doctor is also recommended here.

Treat it with natural ointment- signal soothing cream

To treat neuropathy naturally we suggest you try neuropathic pain relief soothing cream from Nervexol known as a “signal soothing cream”. Our organic ointment is made from pure, natural ingredients. Thanks to nature for giving us natural herbs, and vitamins that work great in the treatment of neuropathy pain. The nerve-soothing effect ensures you feel well and completely relaxed.


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