Neuropathy - When the nerves make you suffer a lot

Uncomfortable tingling in the hands or feet, painful abnormal sensations, or numbness: These can be signs of neuropathy.

With neuropathy, the nerves are damaged. The causes are very different. By far the most common cause is diabetes - around 30 percent of all diabetics suffer from neuropathy. But kidney damage and nerve damage from toxic substances such as alcohol can also trigger neuropathy, and sometimes infectious diseases such as Lyme disease or HIV.

The Nervous System

From the top of our head to the tips of our toes, every square millimeter of our body is pervaded by nerve fibers. The nerve cells, the so-called neurons, transmit information from the central nervous system into the body and they transmit the sensations of the sensory organs to the brain.

Nerves not only make us feel stimuli such as touch, heat, cold, or pain, they also control all internal activities of the body from the heartbeat to digestion.

How is Neuropathy Noticeable?

The most common are distal-symmetrical polyneuropathies that are noticeable in regions far away from the spinal cord - initially symmetrically in both feet and legs. The longer a nerve is and the further its branches are from the spinal cord, the worse it is usually supplied in the event of a disease.

Patients often suffer from burning or painful sensations in their feet. The nerve pain is particularly evident when you are resting, for example at night in bed. Movement and other activities leave the pain less often after.

Organs can also be affected

In a special form of neuropathy, the so-called autonomous neuropathy, the autonomic nervous system is also affected. The autonomic nervous system is that part of the peripheral nervous system that humans - unlike, for example, muscle movements - cannot control voluntarily.

The autonomic nervous system regulates the functions of the cardiovascular system and the internal organs. For example, autonomic neuropathy can lead to changes in the heart rhythm, impair the function of the stomach and intestines, but also cause bladder weakness or erection problems.

Try Neuropathy Repair Kit from Nervexol

Say goodbye to your unbearable nerve pain by using supplements neuropathy repair kit from Nervexol. It is a natural medicine that contains natural ingredients that works great in treating any type of neuropathy with guaranteed results.


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